Getting started with the collection:
Johan Gregor van der Schardt (c. 1530–1581), Nuremberg, c. 1573, white terracotta, oil paint
To make this small bust – it is half life-size – the sculptor had to resort to all kinds of tricks with a mirror. Van der Schardt did not portray himself frontally, but with his head turned sideways, as if to avoid looking at the viewer. The nude upper torso alludes to sculpture from Classical antiquity.
- Artwork typebust
- Object numberBK-2000-17
- Dimensionsheight 23 cm x width 28 cm x depth 14 cm
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Inscriptions / marks
inscription, on a label on the reverse, handwritten: ‘Jean de Bologne collection de Paul de Praun’
Part of catalogue
Catalogue reference
''Rijks' koopt zelfportret 16de-eeuwse kunstenaar', De Volkskrant, 2000.
sculptor: Johan Gregor van der Schardt, Neurenberg
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Material and technique
height 23 cm x width 28 cm x depth 14 cm
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Acquisition and rights
Credit line
Purchased with the support of the Mondriaan Stichting, the SponsorBingo Loterij and the Vereniging Rembrandt, with additional funding from the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
purchase 2000
…; collection Paul Praun (1548-1616), Nuremberg, first documented in his _Praunsche Kabinett_ in 1616;{Nuremberg, Stadtarchiv, Familienarchiv von Praun, E 28 II, no. 224, inventory _Praunsche Kabinett_ 1616, no. 362: _Ein Kopf, Johan Gregori conterfect, eines schuchs hoch_, see K. Achilles-Syndram, _Die Kunstsammlung des Paulus Praun: Die Inventare von 1616 und 1719_, Nuremberg 1994, p. 150, p. 147, no. 362. Not identifiable in the 1719 inventory of the _Praunsche Kabinett_ (Nuremberg, Stadtarchiv, Familienarchiv von Praun, E 28 II, no. 1477); possibly identical to C.T. von Murr, _Description du Cabinet de Monsieur Paul de Praun à Nuremberg_, Nuremberg 1797, no. 86 (disputed by Achilles-Syndram).} acquired (with the _Praunsche Kabinett_) by the dealers G. Buttner and J. F. Frauenholz (1758-1822) and the collector Hans Albrecht von Derschau (1754-1824), Nuremberg, 1801;{P.J. Lebrooy, _Michelangelo Models Formerly in the Paul von Praun Collection_, Vancouver 1972, pp. 31-32; R. Schoch, ```Die kostbarste unter allen nürnbergischen Kunstkammern´´: Glanz und Ende des Praunschen Kabinett´, in K. Löcher et al., _Kunst des Sammelns: Das Praunsche Kabinett, Meisterwerke von Dürer bis Carracci_, exh. cat. Nuremberg (Germanisches Nationalmuseum) 1994, pp. 25-34, esp. pp. 32-33; E. Luther, _Johann Friedrich Frauenholz (1758-1822): Kunsthändler und Verleger in Nürnberg_, Nuremberg 1988, pp. 74-75; F. Scholten, `Dusting off Terracottas: A Critical Reception History of Johan Gregor van der Schardt´s Artistic Legacy´, _Simiolus_ 41 (2019), no. 3, pp. 131-52, esp. p. 135.} acquired (with the _Praunsche Kabinett_) by the dealers G. Buttner and J.F. Frauenholz (1758-1822) and the collector Hans Albrecht von Derschau (1754-1824), Nuremberg, 1801; acquired by Anton Paul Heinlein (1715-1803), Nuremberg, by 1803;{F. Scholten, `Dusting off Terracottas: A Critical Reception History of Johan Gregor van der Schardt´s Artistic Legacy´, _Simiolus_ 41 (2019), no. 3, pp. 131-52, esp. p. 136 and note 39.} from his sale, Nuremberg (Johann Andreas Boerner), 9 April 1832, no. 296, acquired by _Oberstleutnant_ Karl Emil von Gemming (1794-1880), Nuremberg;{P.J. Lebrooy (_Michelangelo Models Formerly in the Paul von Praun Collection_, Vancouver 1972, p. 33) posited that Von Gemming acquired the entire collection of terracotta models of the _Praunsche Kabinett_ directly from Buttner and Frauenholz in 1803. Von Gemming was a dealer (_Antiquar_), numismatist, fossil collector and more. The fossil of a prehistoric bird (Rhamphorhynchus gemmingi) originating from Von Gemming´s collection is today preserved in the Teylers Museum, Haarlem.} ? from whom, acquired by the sculptor Ernst Julius Haehnel (1811-1891), Dresden, 1842;{Presumably Van der Schardt´s _Self-Portrait_ was one of the 33 terracottas - all of which originated from the _Praunsche Kabinett_ - Haehnel had purchased at the sale of the Karl Emil von Gemming collection, see P.J. Lebrooy, _Michelangelo Models Formerly in the Paul von Praun Collection_, Vancouver 1972, p. 33.} ? his widow Elise Walter-Haehnel or their daughters Anna and Elisabeth Haehnel, Dresden, 1891;{P.J. Lebrooy, _Michelangelo Models Formerly in the Paul von Praun Collection_, Vancouver 1972, pp. 34-35.} …; from the London art market, acquired by Michael Hall, New York, 1980; from whom, $1,400,000, to the museum, with the support of the Mondriaan Stichting, the SponsorBingo Loterij and the Vereniging Rembrandt, with additional funding from the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, 2009{For the circuitous acquisition history, see F. Scholten, `Johan Gregor van der Schardt, Zelfportret: Een nipte verwerving´, in A. de Vries and F. Bijl de Vroe-Verloop (eds.), _Vereniging Rembrandt, verrijkend & verreikend_, The Hague 2009, pp. 15-18.}
- ''Rijks' koopt zelfportret 16de-eeuwse kunstenaar', De Volkskrant, 2000.
- Jaarverslag : Rijksmuseum Amsterdam (2000), p. 71 afb.
- A. Butterfield, Masterpieces of Renaissance sculpture : Salander-O'Reilly Galleries, New York, 2000, 9.
- F. Scholten, Spiriti veramente divini: sculptors form the Low Countries in Italy, in: I. Alexander-Skipnes, Cultural exchange between the Low Countries and Italy (1400-1600), Turnhout 2007, p. 231.
- Documentatiemap Beeldhouwkunst & Kunstnijverheid.
- 'Recent acquisitions at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam', The Burlington Magazine (November 2000), p. 730 met afb. II.
- F. Scholten, Johan Gregor van der Schardt and the moment of self-portraiture in sculpture, in: Simiolus 33 (2007/2008), nr. 4, p. 195, afb. 1, 10
- Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung, 8 november 2000.
- Peter Hecht, 'Over liefde en bedrog : hoe de top drie gekozen werd', Bulletin van de Vereniging Rembrandt 19 (2009) nr. 1, p. 37-39, nr. 24.
- A. Wallert, 'Questions and answers. The technical examination of polychrome terracotta sculptures by Johan Gregor van der Schardt', Art Matters, Netherlands Technical Studies in Art (2002), p. 32-45.
- F. Scholten, 'Zelfportret', Bulletin van de Vereniging Rembrandt 10, nr. 3 (2000), p. 12-14 met afb..
- J.A. Boerner, Verzeichnis des Anton Paul Heinlein'schen ausgeschechneten Kunst-cabinetts, welches vom 1832 an durch den Auctionator J.A. Boerner [...] versteigert wird, Neurenberg, 1832.
- Hans Günter Hockerts, 'In Fahrt und auf Kurs : Die Neue Deutsche Biographie', Akademie Aktuell : Zeitschrift der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (2005, nr. 2), p. 44, afb.
- Frits Scholten, 'Michelangelo's Mighty Models or the Legacy of Johan Gregor van der Schardt', in Stephan Koja en Claudia Kryza-Gersch (red.): Shadows of Time : Giambologna, Michelangelo and the Medici Chapel, Dresden 2018, p. 92-93, fig. 1, 3.
- Marcella van der Weg, 'Mondriaan Stichting steunt met beleid' Rijksmuseum Kunstkrant 28, nr. 1 (2002), p. 20-21 met afb.
- D. Gallo, 'Small portraits for Great Men. The miniature Portrait Bust in the Sixteenth Century', The Rijksmuseum Bulletin 58 (2010) nr. 1, p. 60-62.
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