…; collection Johannes Rombouts (1772-1850), Dordrecht;{J. Smith, _A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of the Most Eminent Dutch, Flemish and French Painters_, IX, London 1842, p. 652, no. 11; [P.L. Dubourcq], _Beschrijving der schilderijen op 's Rijks Museum te Amsterdam met fac simile der naamteekens_,coll. cat. 1870, pp. 222-23, no. XII.} his nephew, Leendert Dupper Willemsz (1799-1870), Dordrecht, 1850;{C. von Lützow, `Die vormals Dupper´sche Sammlung´, _Zeitschrift für bildende Kunst_ 5 (1870), pp. 227-30, esp. p. 228.} by whom bequeathed to the museum, as Frans Hals, with 63 other paintings, 12 April 1870{NHA, ARM, IS, inv. 30, nos. 123 (8 March 1870), 132 (25 April 1870, no. 245); NHA, ARM, Kop., inv. 39, pp. 62-63 (11 May 1870).}