…; collection Julius Otto Gottschald (?-1903), Leipzig, c. 1882;{According to the Hofstede de Groot notes in the RKD this painting was in the Gottschald Collection in Leipzig, by which he must have meant the one of Julius Otto Gottschald.}…; sale, Count Andor de Festetis, Szeleste Castle (Hungary), Amsterdam (C.F. Roos), 22 January 1884 _sqq._, no. 116, as Herman Saftleven (`Paysage. Quelques bergers agenouillés, une marchande et des enfants en prière devant une image de Madone, suspendue au tronc d´un arbre à l´entrée d´une forêt […].´), fl. 718.75, to De Vries, for the museum;{NHA, ARS, Kop., inv. 39, pp. 342-43, no. 11 (3 March 1884).} on loan to the Centraal Museum, Utrecht, December 1924-March 1942