Target gun used by the Guild of Arquebusiers in Amsterdam

Jacobus Jaspers? Amsterdam, c. 1675–1699, iron, wood, gilt-brass, mother-of-pearl, horn

The support stand on this target gun is in the form of a taloned eagle’s claw grasping a ball, a reference to the Guild of Arquebusiers in Amsterdam. Civic guardsmen would grasp the support with their left hand, while pressing their left elbow into their side. The gun has a tinder lock, which uses a piece of smouldering dried fungus, rather than a slow match, to ignite the powder.

  • Artwork typetarget rifle
  • Object numberNG-2002-23-14
  • Dimensionsdiameter 10.9 mm, length 163.8 cm x weight 6.8 kg, length 124.6 cm