…; sale, Jean Adrien Snyers (1775-1841, Antwerp), sold on the deceased´s premises, Antwerp (auction house not known), scheduled for 4 May, but brought forward to 27 April 1818, no. 31 (`Ant. Van Dyck. Jésus-Christ expirant en croix. St. François à genoux en embrace le pied […] sur toile, haut 6 pieds large 4 pieds 3 pouces [172 (?) x 112.5 cm]´), bought in;{NHA, ARS, Kop, inv. 36, pp. 71-72 (15 April 1818). RMA, inv. 36, Kop, p. 14; Bergvelt 1998, p. 317, n. 174, and p. 401 under 1822-3 and 1822-4.} purchased from Jean-Adrien Snyers by Willem I, King of the Netherlands, February 1822 and by Royal Order presented to the museum, 18 April 1822;{NHA, ARS, IS, inv. 10, no. 18 (20 June 1821); NHA, ARS, IS, inv. 10, no. 22 (24 July 1821); NHA, ARS, IS, inv. 10, no. 29 (23 April 1822). Van Vliet 1966, p. 134, p. 143, note 9.} on loan through to the DRVK, April 1961; on loan to the States General, The Hague, since 1961