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Portrait of Willem III (1650-1702), Prince of Orange, as a Child
Adriaen Hanneman (1604–1671), oil on canvas, 1654
- Artwork typepainting
- Object numberSK-A-3889
- Dimensionsweight 19 kg, height 133 cm x width 94 cm, depth 7 cm

Portrait of Willem III (1650-1702), Prince of Orange, as a Child
Object type
Object number
Inscriptions / marks
signature and date, lower left: ‘Anº 1654, / Adr: Hanneman, F [...]’
Part of catalogue
Catalogue reference
Documentatiemap Schilderijen: aantekeningen R. van Luttervelt (voor 1963).
painter: Adriaen Hanneman (mentioned on object)
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Material and technique
- weight 19 kg
- height 133 cm x width 94 cm
- depth 7 cm
This work is about
Acquisition and rights
purchase 1955-04-12
? Commissioned by the Orange family as a gift for Elector Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg, the sitter´s uncle and guardian; first recorded in the Royal Palace, Berlin (Royal Collections of Prussia), 1779 (`Eine kleine Prinzessin auf eine Distel tretend´);{F. Nicolai, _Beschreibung der Königlichen Rezidenzstädte Berlin und Potsdam, aller daselbst befindlicher Merkwürdigkeiten und der umliegenden Gegend_, II, Berlin 1786, p. 884. See also O. ter Kuile, _Adriaen Hanneman (1604-1671): Een Haags portretschilder_, diss. Utrecht University 1976, p. 82.} probate inventory, Royal Palace, Berlin, 1793, no. 10 (`[...] junges Mädchen. Ganze Figur. 4⅓ x 3´);{O. ter Kuile, _Adriaen Hanneman (1604-1671): Een Haags portretschilder_, diss. Utrecht University 1976, p. 82.} inventory of paintings, Royal Collections of Prussia, 1811, no. 4111 (`Portrait einer Jungen Prinzessin´);{O. ter Kuile, _Adriaen Hanneman (1604-1671): Een Haags portretschilder_, diss. Utrecht University 1976, p. 82.} recorded in the Royal Palace, Potsdam, 1896 (as Princess Albertine Agnes of Orange-Nassau, wife of Prince Willem Frederik of Nassau-Dietz);{A. Bredius and E.W. Moes, `Adriaen Hanneman´, _Oud Holland_ 14 (1896), pp. 203-18, p. 211.} assigned to the State of Prussia after the abdication of Emperor Wilhelm II, 1918;{A. Staring, `De portretten van den Koning-Stadhouder´, _Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek_ 3 (1950-51), pp. 151-96, p. 162.} Royal Palace, Berlin, until c. 1945;{O. ter Kuile, _Adriaen Hanneman (1604-1671): Een Haags portretschilder_, diss. Utrecht University 1976, p. 82.}…; or, ? collection Mrs Alexandra Zubkow, née Princess Victoria of Prussia (1866-1929);{R. van Luttervelt, `Drie portretten´, _Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum_ 5 (1957), pp. 108-13, esp. p. 109. …; from the dealer C. Reinheldt, Berlin, fl. 10,000, to the museum, through the mediation of G. Cramer, The Hague, 12 April 1955
Please note that this provenance was formulated with a special focus on provenance research for the years 1933-45 and could therefore be incomplete. There may be more (mostly earlier) provenance information known in the museum. In case this item has an uncertain or incomplete provenance for the years 1933-45, the Rijksmuseum welcomes information and assistance in the investigation and clarification of the provenance of all works during that era.
Documentatiemap Schilderijen: aantekeningen R. van Luttervelt (voor 1963).
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