? Commissioned by or for the sitters; by descent through the families Hinlopen, Opperdoes, to Dirk Margarethus Alewijn (1816-85), Hoorn and Medemblik;{Correspondence with F.G.L.O. van Kretschmar, RMA.} his sale, Amsterdam (C.F. Roos), 16 December 1885, no. 92, as Lambert Jacobsz Tempel, c. fl. 1,160, to the museum {fl. 550 (copies RKD1-2), fl. 500 (copy RKD3), fl. 575 (note RMA) for SK-A-1319; fl. 660 (copies RKD1-2), fl. 210 (copy RKD3), fl. 690 (note RMA) for SK-A-1312 and SK-A-1313}