…; purchased by Antoine-Jean-Baptiste Dutartre (1714-1804), Paris (`Le troisième [painting by Rubens] représente une des femmes de Rubens, peinte par lui´), between 1770-80{B.B. Fredericksen and B. Peronnet (eds.), _Repertoire des tableaux vendus en France au XIXe siècle_, I (1801-10), pt. 1 (A-N), pt. 2 (O-Z et Anonymes), Los Angeles 1998-, pt. 1, p. 25, under no. 72.} or by 1787;{L.-V. Thiéry, _Guide des amateurs et des étrangers voyageurs à Paris_, 2 vols., Paris 1787, I, pp. 584-85.} his sale, Paris (A. Paillet), 19 March 1804, no. 18 (`Rubens. Le Portrait d´une des plus belles Femmes de ce grand Coloriste, représentée de face à mi-corps, dans le plus riche Costume de Cour. Elle est coiffée d´une large chevelure simplement ornée d´une branche d´oranger qui laisse voir encore un petit ornement de pierreries. A ses oreilles sont des Pendeloques de perles, et son cou est paré d´un Collier dont l´orient produit la plus grande illusion, en se détachant avec art sur la plus brillante carnation. […] (Supp: sur bois _Dim._ haut de 27, large de 20 [approx. 73 x 54 cm])´), frs. 8,600, to the dealer Maurice for Lucien Bonaparte (1775-1840);{B.B. Fredericksen and B. Peronnet (eds.), _Repertoire des tableaux vendus en France au XIXe siècle_, I (1801-10), pt. 1 (A-N), pt. 2 (O-Z et Anonymes), Los Angeles 1998-, pt. 1, pp. 25-26, under no. 72, and pt. 2, pp. 947-48 under 1804/03/19/0018.} transferred from Paris, following the exile of Lucien Bonaparte, to Rome, Palazzo Lancellotti, Primo Salone, no. 2 (`Ritratto di Donna del Rubens´), in 1804;{List of 13 June 1804 by Domenico Conti Bazzani in M. Natoli (ed.), _Luciano Bonaparte: Le sue collezione d´arte, le sue residenze a Roma, nel Lazio, in Italia (1804-1840)_, Rome 1995, app. 1, p. 40.} transferred to Palazzo Nuñez, Room 7, no. 72, 1806-10, 1811-22;{G.A. Guattani, _Galleria del Senatore Luciano Bonaparte_, 2 vols., Rome 1808, II, p. 3.} transferred via Bologna to Paris, 1826;{Application of 17 October 1823 to export `Rubens: Ritratto della sua moglie´ to Bologna, see M. Natoli (ed.), _Luciano Bonaparte: Le sue collezione d´arte, le sue residenze a Roma, nel Lazio, in Italia (1804-1840)_, Rome 1995, app. 4, p. 45. License granted to export (from the Papal States) `Il Ritratto della moglie di Rubens´, for the purpose of sale, 12 January 1826, see Natoli 1995, app. 5, pp. 46-47.} from Lucien Bonaparte, frs. 20,000 or £ 800, perhaps with SK-C-284, to the dealer Armand-Jacques Fossard, Paris, 1826;{B.B. Fredericksen and B. Peronnet (eds.), _Repertoire des tableaux vendus en France au XIXe siècle_, I (1801-10), pt. 1 (A-N), pt. 2 (O-Z et Anonymes), Los Angeles 1998-, pt. 2, p. 1407. J. Smith, _A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of the Most Eminent Dutch, Flemish and French Painters_, 9 vols., London 1929-42, II, no. 800 and idem, IX, no. 269.} from whom, frs. 1,300 or £ 520, to the dealer John Smith, London, July 1830;{Smith, in a handwritten entry for no. 200, pp. 225-26 (his interleaved, working copy of his printed catalogue of 1830 is in the National Gallery library), stated: `The portrait of this handsome & favorite [_sic_] wife of Rubens occurs so frequently among that artist´s works (historical as well as portraiture) that there can be no question of the high opinion he entertained of her beauty […] The Picture […] is a glorious example of genius, influenced by the ardour of Love. A most seductive & fascinating expression animates the countenance, which is enhanced by the most dazzling fairness of complexion & the rosy blush of health. These are accomplished by a rich and juicy empasto [_sic_] of colour, wrought with inimitable care and attention to detail & set of [_sic_] to superlative advantage by the surrounding parts, which are rendered most skilfully, subordinate to that object & are painted with an assumed negligence for that purpose & dextrous freedom of hand.´} from whom, with SK-C-284, £ 800, to Adriaan van der Hoop (1778-1854), Amsterdam, July 1833;{Smith & Successors, _Stock Book, 1822-1850_, p. 35; Day Book, II, p. 396: `A magnificent Portrait of Helena Fourment by Rubens … from Colln of Lucien Bonaparte in a 7½ in. [19 cm] richly carved gilt frame-800´, Ledger, National Art Library, Victoria and Albert Museum, 1829-1866, p. 46. Van der Hoop _Lijst_, p. 5, no. 66: `Portret van Helena Forman, tweede vrouw van P.P. Rubens, door hem geschilderd […] fl. 8600´.} by whom bequeathed to the City of Amsterdam with 223 other paintings, 1854;{Van der Hoop _Taxatie_ 1854, p. 3, no. 66: `P.P. Rubbens, portret van Helena Forment, fl. 6000´.} on loan from the City of Amsterdam to the museum, since 30 June 1885{Provenance also reconstructed in A. Pollmer-Schmidt, `Catalogus van de schilderijen in de verzameling van Adriaan van der Hoop´, in E. Bergvelt et al. (eds.), _De Hollandse meesters van een Amsterdamse bankier. De verzameling van Adriaan van der Hoop (1778-1854)_, exh. cat. Amsterdam (Amsterdams Historisch Museum/Rijksmuseum) 2004-05, pp. 135-195, esp. p. 171, no. 148.}