Interior of the Sint-Odulphuskerk in Assendelft

Pieter Jansz Saenredam (1597–1665), oil on panel, 1649

Bright, clear light fills this church, in which – as it happens – a sermon is being preached from the pulpit. Saenredam created a sense of space with his consistent use of perspective, in which all the orthogonal lines converge at the same point. This church was special to the painter: not only was he born in Assendelft, but the gravestone of his father, Jan Saenredam, bearing an inscription, can be seen in the right foreground.

  • Artwork typepainting
  • Object numberSK-C-217
  • Dimensionsheight 49 cm x width 73.6 cm, height 49.6 cm x width 75 cm, height 70.4 cm x width 95.6 cm x thickness 5.7 cm