...; collection Dirck Semeyns van Loosen (1696-1757) and Maria Bontekoning (1713-86), Enkhuizen;{Ekkart 1998a, p. 10.} by descent through the families van Loosen and Snouck van Loosen to Pieter Opperdoes Alewijn (1800-85), Hoorn;{Ekkart 1998a, pp. 9-10.} his sale, Amsterdam (C.S. Roos), 28 April 1875, no. 1 (sale not held); his niece, Jonkvrouw Maria Margaretha Snouck van Loosen (1807-85), Enkhuizen; her sale, Enkhuizen (F. Muller), 29 April 1886, no. 5, fl. 315, to the museum, through the mediation of the dealer C.S. Roos; on loan to the Mauritshuis, The Hague, since 1924