…; sale, A.F. Basset, Esq. et al. [not section A.F. Basset], London (Christie´s), 9 January 1920, no. 8, 16.16, to Lenygon [Francis Henry Lenygon (1877-1943), London and New York or the firm Lenygon & Morant, London];{Copy RMA.} …; sale, Albright Leasing Corporation et al. [section 'Mrs Derek Savile, daughter of the late Colonel H.H. Mulliner'], London (Christie´s), 30 November 1973, no. 95, 3000 gns, to Petersen;{Copy RMA.}…; from the dealer Adolphe Stein, Paris, fl. 23,467.65, to the museum, with support from the J.W. Edwin vom Rath fonds and the Commissie voor Fotoverkoop, 1974