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American Photography
First major survey of American Photography
The First Day of School
Jean Baptiste Vanmour, c. 1720 - c. 1737
View of Istanbul from the Dutch Embassy at Pera
Ambassador Cornelis Calkoen at his Audience with Sultan Ahmed III
Jean Baptiste Vanmour, c. 1727 - c. 1730
Whirling Dervishes
Lying-in Room of a Distinguished Turkish Woman
Turkish Woman at her Embroidery Frame
A Greek Priest
workshop of Jean Baptiste Vanmour, 1700 - 1737
Man from the Albanian Coast
Man from the Bulgarian Coast
The Capon Aghassi, Chief of the White Eunuchs of the Sultan
The Reis Effendi, Head of the Chancery
The Kazasker, Judge
Grand Vizier Nevşehirli Damat Ĭbrahim Pasa
The Kislar Aghassi, Chief of the Black Eunuchs of the Sultan
Mehmet, the vizir kâhyasi
The Grand Vizier Crossing the Atmeydanı (Horse Square)
Jean Baptiste Vanmour, 1720 - 1737
The Meal in Honour of Ambassador Cornelis Calkoen
Sultan Ahmed III
A Soldier of the Janissaries
Albanian Herdsman
Albanian Soldier