…; ? first recorded in the collection of Willem V, and listed in the `roode kamer´ in the Stadhouderlijk Hof, The Hague, 1763-4 (`no. 53 Een dito portrait van prins Frederik Hendrik, een kniestuck, door of in de manier van A. van Dijk in dito [zwarte] lijst Hoogte 4 v ½ d. Breete 3 v 3 d [126.9 x 102.1 cm]´);{S.W.A. Drossaers and T.H. Lunsingh Scheurleer, _Inventarissen van de inboedels in de verblijven van de Oranjes en daarmee gelijk te stellen stukken 1567-1795_, 3 vols., The Hague 1974-76, III, 1976, p. 21. Their index (III, 1976, p. 368) identifies the portrait referred to as that described as of Prince Maurice, by Van Dyck, on canvas, 125.3 x 101 cm, listed in the Binnenhof, The Hague in 1754.}…; collection Charles Howard Hodges (1764-1837); from whom, fl 100, to the museum, 1810;{NHA, ARS, Kop, inv. 35, pp. 36-37 (20 August 1810).} on loan to the Ministry of Home Affairs, The Hague, 1915; on loan through the DRVK, 1952-2007; transferred to the States General, The Hague, since 1982