...; sale, Dirk Vis Blokhuyzen (1799-1869, Rotterdam), Rotterdam (D.A. Lamme), 23 (28) October 1871 sqq., no. 500 (`Mise au tombeau. A la plume´), fl. 11, to the dealer S. Lamme, Rotterdam, for Dr August Sträter (1810-97), Aachen (L. 787);{Copy RKD.} his sale, Stuttgart (H.G. Gutekunst), 10 (14) May 1898 sqq., no. 1176 (`Die Grablegung Christi. Geniale Sepiaskizze. Auf der Rückzeite eine Studie zur Enthaubtung Johannis des Taüfers´), 80 DM, to Paul Mathey (1844-1929), Paris;{Copy RKD.} ...; purchased from the dealer P. & D. Colnaghi & Co., London, by Dr Cornelis Hofstede de Groot (1863-1930), The Hague, after 1900;{Hofstede de Groot notes, KB.} by whom donated to the museum, 1906, but kept in usufruct; transferred to the museum (L. 2228), 1930