…; collection Lord Charles Vere Ferrers Townshend (1785-1853), Raynham Hall, Norfolk, by June 1831{_Catalogue of pictures by Italian, Spanish, Flemish, Dutch, and English masters_ , exh. cat. London (British Institution) 1831, no. 117, `Interior with figures gambling - Teniers´} and perhaps by 1829;{Stacy´s description of Raynham Hall (first as in the withdrawing room `a very clever Interior by David Teniers, jun´, and then as in the `white drawing-room […] An Interior by Teniers´), see _A General History of the County of Norfolk_, 2 vols., printed by and for John Stacy 1829, I, p. 546, II, p. 1341.} his sale, London (Christie's), 11 April 1835, no. 30* (`Teniers A Cavalier, with Boors gambling: interior´), £ 102 18 s, to the dealer John Smith;{Copy Christie´s Archive, London.} from whom, £ 129 19 s 2 p (including costs), to the dealer Albertus Brondgeest, 14 April, paid 28 April 1835 (`An interior with men gambling & drinking by Teniers in his brown manner in a carved gilt frame´);{Smith and Successors _Day Book, 1827-1836_, II, p. 497, under _Ledger, 1829-1866_, VIII, p. 27, National Art Library, Victoria and Albert Museum, London.} from whom, fl. 2,000, to Adriaan van der Hoop (1778-1854), 1835;{Van der Hoop _Lijst_, p. 13, no. 135: `Eene fraaije Voorstelling door D. Teniers, zynde een binnenhuis, gekocht van A. Brondgeest, welk Schildery nimmer in den handel is geweest: daar hetzelve van eene oude familie afkomstig is, fl. 2,000´.} by whom bequeathed to the City of Amsterdam, with 223 other paintings, 1854;{Van der Hoop _Taxatie_ 1854, p. 2, no. 135: `Eenige dobbelende persoonen, fl. 750´.} on loan from the City of Amsterdam to the museum since 30 June 1885; on loan to the Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, 2004-10{For the provenance see also A. Pollmer-Schmidt, `Catalogus van de schilderijen in de verzameling van Adriaan van der Hoop´, in E. Bergvelt et al. (eds.), _De Hollandse meesters van een Amsterdamse bankier. De verzameling van Adriaan van der Hoop (1778-1854)_, exh. cat. Amsterdam (Amsterdams Historisch Museum/Rijksmuseum) 2004-05, pp. 135-95, esp. p. 179, no. 183.}