
River Landscape with Riders

Aelbert Cuyp, c. 1653 - 1657, painting, SK-A-4118

Travellers are resting their horses in a sun-soaked river landscape. To judge from their orange shawls, they seem to be Dutch army officers. Cuyp saw these steep hills when he travelled along the River Rhine between Nijmegen and Cleves. It was probably the sketches he drew there that formed the…

On display in Gallery of Honour

Cow beside a Ditch

Willem Maris, c. 1885 - c. 1895, painting, SK-A-2706

On display in room 1.18

The Dairy Cow: The Dutch Provinces,…

anonymous, c. 1633 - c. 1639, painting, SK-A-2684

Cows in the Meadow

Gerard Bilders, 1860 - 1865, painting, SK-A-2264

Meadow near Oosterbeek

Gerard Bilders, 1860, painting, SK-A-2298

On display in room 1.18

Boatmen Moored on the Shore of an…

Adam Pijnacker, 1650 - 1670, painting, SK-A-321

On display in room 2.17

The Artist Painting a Cow in a…

Hendrikus van de Sande Bakhuyzen, 1850, painting, SK-A-4163

Drie rustende koeien

Nicolaes Pietersz Berchem, 1646 - 1652, print, RP-P-H-1319

Herder en herderin met vee bij…

Jan van de Velde (II), after Willem Pietersz Buytewech, 1622, print, RP-P-1898-A-20523

Landschap met koeien, schapen en…

Jean-Etienne Liotard, 1761, drawing, SK-A-1196