
Model of the William Rex

Adriaen de Vriend, Adriaen Davidsen, Cornelis Moerman, 1698

On display in room 2.15

Ship’s model of the Prins Willem

anonymous, 1651

On display in room 2.9

Half Model of a Paddle Steamer

Rijkswerf Rotterdam, c. 1844 - c. 1848

Half Model of a Poon

anonymous, c. 1780 - c. 1820

Half Model of a Screw Steamer

Rijkswerf Amsterdam, 1868

On display in room 0.13

Model of a Pilot Vessel

Rijkswerf Hellevoetsluis, 1836

On display in room 0.13

Half Model of a Gunboat

W.G. Armstrong & Co, c. 1870 - c. 1871

Model of a 20-Gun Snow

anonymous, c. 1780

On display in room 0.13