
Schotel, beschilderd met vijftien…

Johannes Verhagen, 1729

On display in room 0.7

Portret van Willem van Oranje

Zacharias Dolendo, after Hendrick Goltzius, after 1581 - c. 1601

De Judaskus

Hendrick Goltzius, 1598

Plate with the Flagellation of…

De Roos (attributed to), c. 1700 - c. 1725

On display in room 0.7

Portrait of Jean Niquet

Hendrick Goltzius, 1590 - 1595

Plate with Christ Crowned with…

De Roos (attributed to), c. 1700 - c. 1725

On display in room 0.7

Samson met de ezelskaak

Hendrick Goltzius, 1586 - 1590

De visitatie

Hendrick Goltzius, 1593