
Bust of Neptune

Anthonie Turck (workshop of), after Ignatius van Logteren, c. 1712

Christ as the Man of Sorrows

Ludovico Begarelli (attributed to), c. 1530

The Annunciation

Francesco di Valdambrino, c. 1423

On display in room 0.2

Beggar with a Wooden Leg

anonymous, anonymous, after Jacques Callot, c. 1625 - c. 1700

On display in room 2.26

St Anthony Abbot

Petrus Verhoeven, c. 1800 - c. 1805

Two Unidentified Young Men

Artus Quellinus (I) (circle of), Rombout Verhulst (circle of), c. 1660

On display in room 2.26