
A Windmill on a Polder Waterway,…

Paul Joseph Constantin Gabriël, c. 1889

On display in room 1.18

The Merry Fiddler

Gerard van Honthorst, 1623

On display in room 2.1

Ducks’ Nests

Paul Joseph Constantin Gabriël, c. 1890 - c. 1900

The Saint Elizabeth’s Day Flood

Master of the St Elizabeth Panels, c. 1490 - c. 1495

On display in room 0.4

Plantation in Surinam

Dirk Valkenburg, 1707

On display in room 1.5

Landscape with Two Oaks

Jan van Goyen, 1641

On display in room 2.6

Sprig of White Currants with…

Jan van Kessel (I), c. 1653 - c. 1661

Portrait of Pieter Spiering

François Dieussart, c. 1647 - c. 1651

On display in room 2.8

Landschap met vrouw en jongetje op…

Monogrammist FWH (possibly), 1700 - 1800

View of Dinant

Geo Poggenbeek, c. 1895 - c. 1896