
Virgin and Child

Adriaen van Wesel, c. 1470 - c. 1480

On display in room 0.1

Bust of William IV

Jan Baptist Xavery, 1733

On display in room 1.2

Crozier head

anonymous, c. 1375 - c. 1400

On display in room 0.2

Cleopatra and Lucretia

Jan Baptist Xavery, 1734

On display in room 2.26

The Last Supper

anonymous, c. 1520

On display in room 0.2


Hubert Gerhard (circle of), Heinrich Gerhard (possibly), c. 1600 - c. 1610

On display in room 2.3

Virgin and Child

anonymous, c. 1225

On display in room 0.2

Virgin and Child

anonymous, c. 1350

On display in room 0.2