
Engelbert II van Nassau Master of…

Master of the Portraits of Princes, c. 1480 - c. 1490

On display in room 0.4

The Adoration of the Shepherds

Bartolommeo Suardi (circle of), 1500 - 1535

Virgin and Child with the Infant…

Meester van de Conversazione di Santo Spirito, c. 1490 - c. 1515

Madonna and Child

Giovanni Bellini (attributed to), 1470 - 1480

Saint George and the Dragon

Luca Signorelli (workshop of), 1495 - 1505

Portret van Engelbert II van Nassau

Nicolaes Rombouts (attributed to), 1500 - 1525

Frame depicting the Annunciation,…

Giovanni di Francesco del Cervelliera (circle of), 1450 - 1460