

Pieter de Loose, 1689

On display in room 2.23

Paul healing a man who could not…

Karel du Jardin, 1663

On display in room 2.17

Still Life with Flowers

Jan van Huysum, 1723

On display in room 1.1

Dolls’ house of Petronella Dunois

anonymous, c. 1676

On display in room 2.20


Wouter Johannes van Troostwijk, c. 1809

On display in room 1.14

Lot and his Daughters

Hendrick Goltzius, 1616

On display in room 2.1

Selene and Endymion

Gerard de Lairesse, c. 1680

On display in room 2.22

The Fishwife

Adriaen van Ostade, 1672

The Four Continents Paying Homage…

Artus Quellinus (I) (workshop of), c. 1650 - c. 1653