…; sale, Jan Foekes van Houtum (1816-74) et al., Amsterdam (C.F. Roos _et al._), 18 November 1874 _sqq._, no. 92, with no attribution, fl. 66, to the dealer Rotteveel, The Hague;{Copy RKD.} from whom to the Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst, The Hague (inv. no. A 176), 1874; transferred to the museum, February 1885; transferred to the DRVK, 1959; returned, 1965; on loan to the Koninklijk Nederlands Leger-en Wapenmuseum `Generaal Hoefer´, Leiden, 1978; on loan to the Legermuseum, Delft, 1986-2013; on loan to the Nationaal Militair Museum, Soesterberg, since 2013