Portrait of Marie Jeanette de Lange, Jan Toorop, 1900

Portrait of Marie Jeanette de Lange, Jan Toorop, 1900

oil on canvas, h 70.5cm × w 77.4cm More details

Marie Jeanette de Lange chaired the Vereeniging voor Verbetering van Vrouwenkleding (Association for the Improvement of Women’s Clothing), which championed hygienic, loose-fitting, natural clothing that allowed women greater freedom of movement. In February 1900 she posed at home, dressed comfortably, for Jan Toorop. Using tiny dots of colourful paint, he created a sparkling portrait of a modern woman on the threshold of a new century.

On display in room 3.1 Visit via the Women tour

Listen to audio fragment (from the multimedia tour)
