? Presented by the artist to the sitter, Don Ramón Satué y Allué (1765-1824), Madrid, 1823; transferred to Satué´s native home, Fanlo, near Huesca, presumably as the property of his brother, Pedro Satué, January 1825;{The portrait was sent by the sitter´s executor and cousin, José Duaso y Latre; letter from José Duaso to Pedro Satué, 8 January 1825. Transcribed in M. García Guatas, `Nuevos datos sobre dos aragoneses retratados por Goya´, _Goya: Revista de arte_ 42 (1996), no. 252, pp. 326-30, esp. p. 330: `El retrato del difunto está para ser embiado a su casa nativa, siendo ésta una de las cosas que me confió.´}...; ? collection Marquis of Heredia, Madrid;{Heredia´s ownership is first signalled in X. Desparmet Fitz-Gerald, _L´oeuvre peint de Goya: catalogue raisonné_, 4 vols., Paris 1928-50, II, p. 225, no. 514, and is repeated in all subsequent literature, but there seems to be no evidence for it. It is almost certainly a confusion with no. 4 in the catalogue for the sale, Benito Garriga, Paris (Bloche, Haro, Escribe), 24 March 1890: `Portrait de la maîtresse de Goya´, there said to be from the `Ancienne collection du marquis de Heridia´. That is the painting now in the National Gallery of Art in Washington, inv. no. 177: 1963.4.2 (for which see P. Gassier and J. Wilson, _Goya: His Life and Work: With a Catalogue Raisonné of the Paintings, Drawings and Engravings_, London 1971, no. 835), which was listed as in the collection of Narciso Heredia y Begines de los Ríos, 1st Marquis of Heredia, in C. Yriarte, _Goya: Sa biographie, les fresques, les toiles, les tapisseries, les eaux-fortes et le catalogue de l´oeuvre_, Paris 1867, p. 138.}…; collection Benito Garriga, Madrid, by 1887;{C. Muñoz y Manzano Viñaza, _Goya: Su tiempo, su vida, sus obras_, Madrid 1887, p. 165, no. CXXVII. The Garriga collection is erroneously placed in Barcelona in L. Amaudry, `The Collection of Dr. Carvallo at Paris, II: Spanish and Other Later Pictures´, _The Burlington Magazine_ 6 (1904), pp. 179-87, esp. p. 185.} his sale, Paris (Escribe and Haro), 24 March 1890, no. 3, fr. 1,500;...; sale, Paris (Lair-Dubreuil and Haro), 27 May 1902 _sqq._, no. 21, fr. 9,500, to Dr Joachim Carvallo (1869-1936), Château de Villandry, near Tours; by whom to Duveen Brothers, London and New York, 1919;{E. Fowles, _Memories of Duveen Brothers_, London 1976, pp. 111-12.} from whom purchased by the museum, with SK-A-2964,{Jacopo Tintoretto, _Portrait of a Man with a Red Cloak_.} fl. 65,000, with the support of the Vereniging Rembrandt, 1922{According to E. Fowles, _Memories of Duveen Brothers_, London 1976, p. 112, the price for the Goya was $ 20,000.}