
Two Salt Cellars

Johannes Lutma (1584-1669), 1639

On display in room 2.8

The Night School

Gerard Dou, c. 1660 - c. 1665

On display in room 2.25

November, with the Sign of…

Jan Kamphuijsen, 1790 - 1791

On display in room 1.10

Still Life with Flowers and Fruit

Jan van Huysum, c. 1728

On display in room 1.1

Boy with a Drawing Book

Nicolas Bernard Lépicié, c. 1772

On display in room 1.11

Forest Scene

Barend Cornelis Koekkoek, 1848

On display in room 1.14


anonymous, c. 1690 - c. 1710

On display in room 2.20

Betel box

anonymous, c. 1750

On display in room 0.7

The Three Droves

Nicolaes Pietersz Berchem, 1656

On display in room 2.17

Portrait of Clara Alewijn

Dirck van Santvoort, c. 1644

On display in Gallery of Honour

Jacob’s Dream

Ary de Vois, 1660 - 1680

On display in room 2.24

The Batavians Surround the Romans…

Otto van Veen, 1600 - 1613

On display in room 2.1