

anonymous, 1800 - 1825

Snuifdoos met Rococo-ornamenten

anonymous, 1825 - in or before 1878

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Koninklijke Utrechtsche Fabriek van Zilverwerken van C.J. Begeer, 1903 - 1908

Box of the Dutch West India Company

Jean Saint (attributed to), 1749

On display in room 1.2


anonymous, 1775 - 1825

Box and cup

anonymous, c. 700 - c. 800

On display in Asian pavilion, room 2

Round box with figures

anonymous, anonymous, c. 1870 - c. 1920

Box in the shape of a knotted cloth

anonymous, c. 1670 - c. 1690

On display in room 0.10