

Jan van Goyen, 1625

On display in room 2.6

Aeneas op Delos

Claude Lorrain, 1670 - 1672

Two Salt Cellars

Johannes Lutma (1584-1669), 1639

On display in room 2.8

Wooded Landscape with a Pond

Jacob Isaacksz van Ruisdael, c. 1650 - c. 1655

Still Life with Books

Hercules Segers, c. 1618 - c. 1622

Sprig of White Currants with…

Jan van Kessel (I), c. 1653 - c. 1661

Spanish Warhorse

Jacques de Gheyn (II), 1603

Still Life with a Turkey Pie

Pieter Claesz, 1627

On display in Gallery of Honour

Pieter Cnoll, Cornelia van…

Jacob Coeman, 1665

On display in room 2.9