
The Seven Works of Mercy

Master of Alkmaar, 1504

On display in room 0.4

Table ornament

Wenzel Jamnitzer, 1549

On display in room 2.3

Landscape with Bathsheba

Jan van Scorel, c. 1540 - c. 1545

On display in room 0.6

God Blesses Noah's Family

Willem de Pannemaker, after 1567

Groteskentapijt met Hercules

Meester van het Geometrische Merk, c. 1545 - c. 1550


anonymous, c. 1560 - c. 1600

On display in room 2.3


Pseudo Jan Wellens de Cock (attributed to), c. 1525

On display in room 0.1

The Rape of a Sabine Woman

Giambologna (after), Giambologna (rejected attribution), c. 1600 - c. 1625

The Martyrdom of Saint Lucy

Master of the Figdor Deposition, c. 1505 - c. 1510

On display in room 0.1

Sol (the Sun)

Johan Gregor van der Schardt, c. 1570 - c. 1581

On display in room 2.1


Johan van den Eynde, 1544