
Twee toiletkoffers

André-Charles Boulle (attributed to), c. 1685 - c. 1690, BK-2009-255-1

These magnificent showpieces were made by Europe’s most celebrated cabinetmaker: André-Charles Boulle. He probably made them for Louis II de Bourbon, Prince de Condé who gave them to his daughter Marie-Thérèse when she married. The boxes have lids so they can be used for storage, although that is…

Two toilet caskets

André-Charles Boulle, c. 1685 - c. 1690, BK-2009-255-2

These magnificent showpieces were made by Europe’s most celebrated cabinetmaker: André-Charles Boulle. He probably made them for Louis II de Bourbon, Prince de Condé who gave them to his daughter Marie-Thérèse when she married. The boxes have lids so they can be used for storage, although that is…

Square Man

Karel Appel, 1951, painting, SK-A-5002

The square man squeezes with difficulty into this square canvas. He seems to squint slightly with his red and green eyes and his blue mouth gapes open. The head is too big, the body is too small, and the arms and legs are too short, yet with his fiercely coloured body and his ponderous genitals, he…

On display in room 3.3


Jacques Francois Joseph Saly, c. 1750, sculpture, BK-NM-12253

Comb in the form of two dragonflies

Lucien Gaillard, c. 1904, jewellery, BK-1990-1

On display in room 0.9

Reliquary in the form of a triptych

anonymous, c. 1400 - 1410, reliquary, BK-17045

On display in room 0.2

Haarkam in de vorm van twee takken…

René Lalique, c. 1902 - c. 1903, jewellery, BK-1987-2

On display in room 0.9


André-Charles Boulle (attributed to), c. 1670 - c. 1675, furniture, BK-1990-7

On display in room 2.23