
Worship of the Golden Calf

Lucas van Leyden, c. 1530, painting, SK-A-3841

On display in room 0.6

Seated Cupid

Étienne-Maurice Falconet, 1757, sculpture, BK-1963-101

This famous statue already had many nicknames in the 18th century. Perhaps the best known is l’amour menaçant - menacing love. The menace is mainly in the love god’s expression, while his gesture makes us complicit, through silence. The statue was carved for Madame de Pompadour, mistress of Louis XV…

On display in room 1.9

The Meeting of Joachim and Anna

Master of Joachim and Anne, Master of Joachim and Anne, c. 1470, sculpture, BK-NM-88

Joachim and Anna were childless for many years. Until Anna’s prayers were answered and she miraculously conceived a daughter, Mary. Joyous at the news, they embrace each other tenderly. This intimate, almost timeless scene was once part of a large altar depicting stories about the life of the Virgin…

On display in room 0.1

Durga Killing the Buffalo Demon

anonymous, c. 1300 - c. 1500, sculpture, AK-RAK-1997-1

On display in Asian pavilion, room 1

Christ’s Descent into Limbo

anonymous, c. 1440, sculpture, BK-1962-33

On display in room 0.1


Elias Boscher, anonymous (rejected attribution), c. 1660 - c. 1670, furniture, BK-1999-85

On display in room 2.26

Mary, Joseph and three angels

Adriaen van Wesel, c. 1475 - c. 1477, sculpture, BK-NM-11713

On display in room 0.1

Dolls’ house of Petronella Dunois

anonymous, c. 1676, furniture, BK-14656

On display in room 2.20

Longcase clock

anonymous, c. 1755 - c. 1765, furniture, BK-1967-144

On display in room 1.2

Portico and pediment from the…

Philips Vinckboons (II), 1639, relief (sculpture), BK-BFR-419

On display in room 2.8