
Half Model of an Ironclad Ram Ship

R. Napier & Sons, c. 1865 - c. 1866, ship model, NG-MC-1215

Half Model of a Screw Steamer

Koninklijke Fabriek voor Stoom- en andere Werktuigen, c. 1876 - c. 1877, ship model, NG-MC-1381

Half Model of a Pilot Cutter

anonymous, 1851 - 1852, ship model, NG-MC-471

Half Model of a Fireship

anonymous, c. 1795, ship model, NG-MC-426

Half Model of a Paddle Steamer

Rijkswerf Rotterdam, c. 1834 - c. 1837, ship model, NG-MC-475

Half Model of a Poon

anonymous, 1780 - 1820, ship model, NG-MC-463

Half Model of a Gaff-Rigged Gunboat

anonymous, c. 1780 - c. 1830, ship model, NG-MC-416

Model of a Launch

Rijkswerf Rotterdam, c. 1819, ship model, NG-MC-522

Model of a Jolly Boat

Rijkswerf Rotterdam, c. 1819, ship model, NG-MC-525

On display in room 0.13

Model of a Coastal Defence Vessel

Rijkswerf Vlissingen, 1861, ship model, NG-MC-1117