

anonymous, 1625 - 1650

On display in room 2.1


anonymous, c. 1625 - c. 1650

On display in room 0.12

Achterlaad vuursteenpistool

Jean Louroux, c. 1665

On display in room 0.12


Egbert Tenckinck, 1660 - 1665

On display in room 0.12


Johan Walman, c. 1740

On display in room 0.12

Vuursteenpistool met ivoren lade

Jan Hermans, 1660 - 1665

On display in room 0.12

Vuursteenzakpistool voor gestapelde…

Cornelis Coster, 1680 - 1689

On display in room 0.12

Pair of flintlock pistols

Jacob Kosters, c. 1670

On display in room 0.12

Queen Elizabeth of England’s…

Gerard van Bylaer, 1587

On display in room 2.16

Demolition of the Forts in…

anonymous, 1580

On display in room 2.16

Assassination of Prince William of…

Gerard van Bylaer, 1584

On display in room 2.16

Conquest of Groningen

Gerard van Bylaer, 1594

On display in room 2.16