
White bowl with six-lobed sides

anonymous, c. 1100 - c. 1199

On display in room 0.10

Madonna van de nederigheid

Bartolommeo Bulgarini, c. 1353

On display in room 0.2

Virgin and Child

Urbano da Cortona (after), c. 1425 - c. 1460

Frame depicting the Annunciation,…

Giovanni di Francesco del Cervelliera (circle of), 1450 - 1460

Portrait of a Woman

Giovanni Bellini (circle of), 1450 - 1470

Madonna and Child

Giovanni Bellini (attributed to), 1470 - 1480

The Meeting of the Magi

Adriaen van Wesel, c. 1475 - c. 1477

On display in room 0.1

Drie mannen, fragment

Antonio Mantegazza, 1475 - 1499