
Dirck Hartogh dish

anonymous, 1600 - 1616

On display in room 2.9

Medal Awarded to Poets who Lauded…

Daniel Drappentier, 1691

On display in room 2.16

Inhuldiging van Willem IV als…

Nicolaas van Swinderen, 1751

On display in room 1.2

Dubbelloops vuursteenpistool

Pieter Sr. Starbus, 1678 - 1687

On display in room 0.12

Verheffing van Willem Karel Hendrik…

Bernard Picart, 1722

On display in room 1.2

Agneta Block (1629-1704), First…

Jan Boskam, 1700

On display in room 2.16


Lambertus Michaelis Thone, 1780

On display in room 0.12

Twelve emergency coins from Dutch…

anonymous, 1577

On display in room 2.1

Andiron with cooking pots and a…

anonymous, c. 1590 - c. 1596

On display in room 2.9

Dubbelloops vuursteenpistool

T Micharius, c. 1695

On display in room 0.12

Hollandsche Maatschappij der…

Johan George Holtzhey, 1752

On display in room 1.10

Willem IV te Amsterdam ingehaald

Martin Holtzhey, 1748

On display in room 1.2