
Portrait of Don Ramón Satué

Francisco de Goya, 1823

On display in room 1.13

Portrait of Jacob Cornelisz van…

Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen (workshop of), c. 1533

On display in room 0.6

Portrait of a Member of the Van der…

Cornelis Troost, 1736

On display in room 1.1

Gallant Conversation, Known as ‘The…

Gerard ter Borch (II), c. 1654

On display in room 2.25

Seated Cupid

Étienne-Maurice Falconet, 1757

On display in room 1.9

Banquet at the Crossbowmen’s Guild…

Bartholomeus van der Helst, 1648

On display in room 2.8

The Milkmaid

Johannes Vermeer, c. 1660

On display in Gallery of Honour

Worship of the Golden Calf

Lucas van Leyden, c. 1530

On display in room 0.6

The Fête champêtre

Dirck Hals, 1627

On display in room 2.6

The Massacre of the Innocents

Cornelis Cornelisz. van Haarlem, 1590

On display in room 2.1

The Sick Child

Gabriël Metsu, c. 1664 - c. 1666

On display in room 2.25

Square Man

Karel Appel, 1951

On display in room 3.3