
Watch with a Pastoral Scene

Jean Arthur, c. 1770 - c. 1790

On display in room 0.9

Repeating Watch

Firma Vaucher, c. 1780 - c. 1785

On display in room 0.9

Watch with an Allegory of…

Jean Romilly, c. 1780 - c. 1800

On display in room 0.9

Watch with Animals at Play

Firma Vaucher, c. 1775 - c. 1790

On display in room 0.9

Pocket watch

Jean Antoine Lépine, 1785 - 1790

On display in room 0.9

Watch with Fossils

Firma Berthoud, c. 1770 - c. 1780

On display in room 0.9

Watch with a Lady and a Priest

Noël Balthazard, c. 1750

On display in room 0.9


Jacques Jerôme Gudin, c. 1760

On display in room 0.9

Watch with a Demimondaine

Firma Vaucher, c. 1790

On display in room 0.9

Watch with Two Women and a Child

Ferdinand Berthoud, c. 1760 - c. 1770

On display in room 0.9

Repeating Watch with Two Ladies at…

Firma Dutertre, c. 1790 - c. 1800

On display in room 0.9