
H. Franciscus

Jan van Londerseel, after Maerten de Vos, 1601 - 1652

H. Augustinus

Jan van Londerseel, after Maerten de Vos, 1601 - 1652

Offering of Abigail

Jan Victors (attributed to), c. 1635 - c. 1640

The Oude Haarlemmersluis (Old…

Jacob Isaacksz van Ruisdael, c. 1638 - c. 1655

H. Albertus

Jan van Londerseel, after Maerten de Vos, 1601 - 1652

Elisa ziet de hemelvaart van Elia

Nicolaes Ryckmans, after Pieter de Jode (I), 1643

Portret van Adriaen van Ostade

Jacob Gole, after Cornelis Dusart, 1685

Stairs of the Sint-Elisabeth…

Roelant Roghman (attributed to), c. 1650 - c. 1652