
The Battle of Terheide

Willem van de Velde (I), 1657

On display in room 2.15

Sprig of White Currants with…

Jan van Kessel (I), c. 1653 - c. 1661

The Battle of Dunkirk

Willem van de Velde (I), 1659

On display in room 2.15

The Royal and State Yachts,…

Willem van de Velde (I), 1660 - 1693

The Battle of the Downs

Willem van de Velde (I), 1659

On display in room 2.15

View of the Merwede off Dordrecht

Jeronymus van Diest (II) (attributed to), c. 1660

Ships at Anchor on a Quiet Sea

Jan van de Cappelle, c. 1640 - c. 1679

View on the Beach

Jacob Esselens, 1650 - 1687