
Fragment with the Transfiguration…

Jan Joest van Kalkar (manner of), c. 1515 - c. 1520

The baptism of Christ

Maarten van Heemskerck (circle of), c. 1560 - c. 1565

Muse with Lute

Jacopo Tintoretto, 1528 - 1594

Virgin and Child

Pordenone (circle of), 1525 - 1550

The Lamentation of Christ

Cornelis Cornelisz II Buys (attributed to), c. 1530 - c. 1540

The Temptation of St Anthony

Jheronimus Bosch (manner of), c. 1550 - c. 1600

Reclining Venus

Lambert Sustris (attributed to), c. 1540 - c. 1560