
The Flight into Egypt

Dirck Vellert (workshop of), c. 1532 - c. 1540

On display in room 0.6

The Triumph of Eternity

Dirck Vellert, 1517

On display in room 0.6

The Triumph of Eternity

anonymous, c. 1530 - c. 1540

On display in room 0.6

The Adoration of the Magi

Jan Jansz Mostaert, c. 1520 - c. 1525

On display in room 0.1

Wonderbaarlijke vermenigvuldiging…

Adriaen Collaert, after Maerten de Vos, 1598 - 1618

Hertenjacht bij een bosmeer

Aegidius Sadeler (II), after Roelant Savery, 1597 - 1629

Het bal

Cornelis Anthonisz., after Jörg Breu (I), after Hans Schäufelein, 1541

Christus in de hof van Getsemane

Zacharias Dolendo, after Karel van Mander (I), 1596 - 1598