
Portrait of Lysbeth van Duvenvoirde

anonymous, c. 1430

On display in room 0.4

Madonna and Child

Giovanni Bellini (circle of), 1465 - 1470

Shield of Edward IV (1442-83), King…

Pierre Coustain (attributed to), c. 1481

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Tending…

Master of the St Elizabeth Panels, c. 1490 - c. 1495

St Sebastian

Francesco Bonsignori (attributed to), 1470 - 1490

The Holy Family

Lorenzo Costa (attributed to), 1490 - 1510

Saint Valerian, left wing of a…

Master of the Brunswick Diptych (attributed to), c. 1490 - c. 1500

Uil uitgedost als een soldaat

Monogrammist MH (graveur), 1500 - 1549

Uil uitgedost als pelgrim

Monogrammist MH (graveur), 1500 - 1549

Virgin and Child with the Infant…

Meester van de Conversazione di Santo Spirito, c. 1490 - c. 1515