
Portrait of Pieter Spiering

François Dieussart, c. 1647 - c. 1651

On display in room 2.8

Venus and Adonis

Francis van Bossuit, c. 1680 - c. 1692

On display in room 2.26


anonymous, c. 1700 - c. 1800

Liggende Boeddha

anonymous, c. 1700 - c. 1800

Seated Buddha

anonymous, c. 1700 - c. 1800

On display in Asian pavilion, room 2

Hoofd van een boeddha

anonymous, c. 1650 - c. 1950

A Lama | The Lama Dpal ldan tshul…

anonymous, 1700 - 1800

On display in Asian pavilion, room 2


anonymous, 1700 - 1800

On display in Asian pavilion, room 2


anonymous, 1700 - 1750