
Bust of Gaspar de Crayer…

Lucas Faydherbe (attributed to), c. 1638 - c. 1640

Sleeping Nymph

Guglielmus Paludanus (attributed to), c. 1560

On display in room 2.3

Head of a Cherub

Artus Quellinus (II) (attributed to), c. 1680 - c. 1700

A Boy and a Satyr Girl Fighting,…

Jan Pieter van Baurscheit (I) (attributed to workshop of), c. 1720 - c. 1730

Maurice, Prince of Orange…

Jan Claudius de Cock, c. 1692 - c. 1697

Autumn, from a Series of the Four…

Artus Quellinus (II), c. 1680 - c. 1690

Bust of Christ

Michiel van der Voort (I) (attributed to workshop of), after Laurent Gillis, c. 1718 - c. 1725

Winter, from a Series of the Four…

Artus Quellinus (II), c. 1680 - c. 1690